Saturday, May 5, 2012

What is Racism?

Keeping "Racism" alive in America

          Everyone is bitching.  The citizens of America be them Democrats, Republicans or Independents.
What makes this so annoying to me is, no one talks about the cause of the problem or even less so, about how to fix it.  
OK, so I'm going to pick some popular topics that people seem to complain about the most, and give you what i think is the root cause of the problem, and what I think may be a solution to that problem.

This is my first blog under the "popular topics" title.  I thought I would jump right in to the ugliest of all topics, and that is "Racism".  I choose this topic because no one really talks about it in any meaningful manner, people just seem to skirt around the edges of the issue. 
One of the things I find amusing is that when anyone of any "Race" begins to discuss "Racism", or wishes to make a "Racist" comment, they always look around to see if someone of that "Race" is in earshot before they commence their tirade. Problem is, they should be looking around for someone of that "Race" so they can include them in the discussion.  Maybe they would both learn something.
You notice when I use the term "Race" or "Racism", I bracket  the word in quotation marks.  This is because the term is so ambiguous that I don't believe this word has any useful meaning to society. 

In any event, the way it is used by people, media and politicians is almost always completely out of context, and has no foundation to the topic of their discussion. 
 Normally used as a quick sucker punch and bailout method of an accusation of someone,  but normally a political party or some other group of people.  It is used as a discussion zipper or a last word closing comment.  Well this should instead be an opening comment, and this is, I believe the root cause of the problem.  
Anyone that is married knows that there can be no relationship if there is no communication, right?

Lets step away from today's common use of the broad and ambiguous term "Racism" for a moment and see if we can bring people back to reality. Back to a time when the word may have actually had some foundation in fact.
Sadly enough, many people don't even know what the definition of "Racist" or "Racism" really is.

"Racist" is the descriptive term one uses to identify an individual as someone who believes his "Race", or self,  to be superior to all others.

"Racism" is a term used to describe a set of ambiguous idea's that any one individual conjures up in his / her own mind used to essentially slander another group of people's words or actions. 
But isn't that then also "Racist"?  This is why the word has no real meaning. The way it is used today, it is basically an insult. The same as calling some one an "asshole". The word "Racism" should not be used anymore than the words "nigger, honky, spic, or many of the other "choice" derogatory words people use to describe others they don't like or are not like them.

So, and I would love to get some comments on this one, today, who would you say is a "Racist"?
Well, you will be hard pressed to come up with any in the context of the definition given.

Adolf Hitler was a Racist.  Notice no quotation marks here.  He was personally responsible for inciting his countrymen to the belief that Jews were an evolutionary mistake,  inferior to them.  Thus began the process of slaughtering them off the planet. By the end of the second world war, estimates of more than 6 million Jews were killed because of Hitlers view on superior / inferior race methodology. That's a lot of humans! 
I think everyone will agree that Hitler did this because he felt that these killing were for "the greater good" of the worlds society. You find this "greater good" issue coming up a lot lately. we will revisit that another time though.

Now you may think 6 million dead Jews is a lot of killing. It's not. Not if you put it in the context of the mass killings in history.
Around about the year 1775 began the invasion of North America.  At this time began the wholesale slaughter of the native Indians that inhabited this continent. While the exact number is impossible to quantify, it is estimated that anywhere from 60 million to 114 million native Indians were killed. This was done because they occupied land that the Europeans wanted. The Europeans felt their ideas of society were superior to the natives and when they did not do as they were told, they were slaughtered.
Not to down play the holocaust but, that makes the Jewish holocaust look like a picnic.

During approximately the 16th through the 19th centuries, the African holocaust (slavery) it has been estimated that between 9 million to 16 million Africans were killed during the slave trades. During travel to and once in North America.  It is interesting to note here that many of these slaves were prisoners in Africa, sold to the Europeans, by Africans.  Many people did not know this so I wanted to make it clear. Why?
Because no one ever talks about Africa's role in selling out their own people. (genocide).
While were touching on the topic of genocide, more recently in Rwanda it has been estimated that anywhere from 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi people were slaughtered by the Hutu clan. All Africans. 
Does anyone call that "Racism"?  No, because it is genocide. They are killing there own "Race". 
Why am I bringing up all these "fun facts" of History?  Because really, there is no "racism" in the world, just genocide.
All of these historical events and many, many more were dreamed up or perceived by a popular leader of that state, country, continent or religion. I really do not want to get into religion here because as a matter of fact, religion is the cause of more genocidal deaths caused in all the  world's history than by any other individuals idea of "superiority".

So what's the point of all this then?  The point is, don't tow the party line. Don't base your views on what you see or hear in the mainstream media.  Don't base your views on what politicians are saying.
All these people have an agenda not known to or beneficial to you.  Don't be a follower.
If you think about "Race, Racism, and Racist's" in America today, you will find that the vast majority of this is coming from "leaders", be them political, religious or mainstream media based.  What have we learned about that?  They are liars, they're intention is not to help you but rather to help themselves.  Think about it and then ask yourself, is "Racism" alive and prospering from the citizens in America?  I think you will find, the answer is NO!


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